Thursday, April 28, 2016

Workout Wednesday: Losing the Insanity and Going Extreme

Good Evening!

I know this post is coming later than usual, but at least it's here.   I was going to post this ON Wednesday, but my internet wasn't working...

First and foremost, I have been working out consistently for about a week now, and I feel SO MUCH BETTER!  It's amazing how getting some exercise can improve my mental clarity, stress level, energy level, and overall functioning.  It definitely makes me sad to think it took me so long for me to get in order and start to take care of myself the way I deserve to be taken care of (and in a way no one but me can take care of me).  I noticed the effects almost immediately.  It took a couple of days, but I definitely notice it.  I hope that I don't go back to the place I was.

Speaking of working out, Insanity Max 30 wasn't working.  I couldn't do a lot of it, and I would get discouraged.  So, I stopped.  The problem with this is it came with a slew of negative self talk.  I was a quitter, I was a for slob who has ruined her body...yeah, I'm not very nice to myself sometimes.  However, I realized that I need to meet myself where I am at, and I am not yet ready to do Insanity max 30.

I convinced my wife to use some Amazon credit we have and purchase 21 Day Fix Extreme and Focus T25.  I researched these programs and found out they were still challenging, but were more doable than Max 30.  I have done Focus T25 before and gotten awesome results, and I have heard amazing things about Autumn and the 21 Day Fix.  While I was waiting for these programs to arrive, I Cized it up and did some Zumba!

I LOVE Cize!!  It is so much fun, and you never know that you are exercising.  However, this workout was much more difficult than I remember.  This was the first day I woke up at 5am to workout, and I took a small break in the middle just to sit on the floor I was so tired.  It was awful, but I got through it.  Seriously, this is one of my favorite programs, and if I didn't believe so much in strength training I would do this all of the time.

Tuesday, I found a 20 minute Zumba DVD.  It was hard because it moved fast, and I hadn't done these moves/anything from this program before.  However, I took as many steps and burned almost as many calories as Cize, so I know I was doing something.  The worst feeling is feeling like you're watching a workout DVD because you have no idea what's going on.  But, it was fun and I'm excited to explore more of the DVDs when I have the time.

Today, I did Pilates Fix Extreme from 21 Day Fix Extreme.  It was a lot of fun, and most definitely a workout to do with shoes (I usually workout barefoot).  You spend the whole workout in the resistance band.  You also spend most of the workout on the floor.  It was a good resistance workout, and I like Autumn.  I mean, she's no Shaun T...but she's comfortably in second (or third if you count Jillian).  I'm just going through the rest of the week with the program, and we are going to officially start the program on Monday.

I'm excited going forward to see what results come from this.  My goal is to be in the 230's when I go see my doctor...that will be the least I have weighed in a LONG time.  Follow me on IG @themeproject3, and leave comments with your favorite workout this week!!

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