Saturday, April 30, 2016

STATurday: Pre 21 Day Fix Extreme Round 1

I am completely stocked over my results this week.  This was my week to play around until our new programs came in, so I wasn't really expecting to have lots of results.  However, I lost FIVE POUNDS!!  That's amazing to me.  I haven't been this weight since the beginning of February.  While I am not particularly proud of that, I am glad that I am beginning to get my life on track and make effective decisions for my current and future self.  It also makes me want to keep going.

I have started a new book by J.D Roth, the creator of The Biggest Loser and Extreme Weight Loss.  He discussed the concept of having a window and a mirror.  The window is for you to dream from, to figure out what you want from this life and to go after it.  The mirror is for you to take an honest, hard look at who you are now.  This is why he has the contestants weigh in with the shirt off.  He suggests to take a picture and use it as motivation.  This is not a shaming tactic, but something to be used as motivation, to remember that unhappy person and commit to never going back there again because you are better than that...I am better than that.

Since this is my (kind of) official before stats as I start 21 Day Fix Extreme tomorrow, what better way to commit to myself than by posting my "before" pictures.  They're not pretty, and I'm embarrassed by them.  I created this blog to have a safe place to talk about my fitness journey and deal with the food, the workouts, and the emotional stuff because I don't want to share this with my extended family and friends.  My wife is incredibly supportive, and I have a friend I talk to about it occasionally; however, weight has been a sensitive subject in my family my whole life.  It is one of those things we just don't talk about.  So, here it is...for the world to look at and find:

Weight: 253.8 pounds
Body Fat: 49.6%
Bust: 45 inches
Waist: 40 inches
Hips: 53 inches
Thigh: 29 inches
Arm: 15.5 inches

It can only get better from here, right?

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